It’s been a while since the last post, so this one going to be a bit of more than one topic. Mainly to document for myself before I forget everything
First „job“ was shooting one of the missus‘ DIY projects. Simple set-up with two strobes – nothing exciting. Nice practise for the metering skills though. While shooting the scene got hi-jacked by our son. Who wouldn’t snap the shutter when that smile jumps into the frame. For a real portrait session I should add another strobe to properly light the background. I had another hijacker jumping the frame who didn’t want to end up on the blog. Well practise nonetheless.
With that task completed I wanted to explore how dark it can be to get a reading with the L-758D. It does do quite ok in limited light. So blue hour is mostly fine. But it gets to the limits shortly after that. So it’s quite amazing to see how much the human eye can actually do. It did however a pretty good job telling me the dynamic range I had before me. That reduced the number of shots I would have taken by just guessing. Unfortunately I found another limitation. The camera I had on me (the good ol‘ Fuji S7000) produces mostly noise in the ’shadows‘ when I exposed for the highlights. I had to ditch a number of shots because they simply ruined the HDR images by adding too much noise. Weiterlesen